Wednesday, September 15, 2010

¡Adios, San Francisco!

So here it is. My good bye to my city by the bay, before I head off to the adventures of Suchitoto, El Salvador. As I sit here with my various articles of clothing, toiletries, and, of course, music spread out around me, I find myself preoccupied with one question: "What am I getting myself into?" And, of course, the answer is that I have no idea. Perhaps in the next year I will be able to answer it. But for now, I pack, hopefully to be finished by 4am tomorrow morning when I leave the house to catch my flight. I can only hope that by that time I will have found a way to fit my entire collection of Jane Austen's novels and my plethora of tea into a space concise enough to be allowed upon an airplane. Wish me luck!!!


  1. We wish you luck and know that the children of Suchitoto are so lucky to have singing come into their lives through the magical Ariel connection! Love Mom!

  2. Hope the trip to El Salvador was easy and you met some fun people to chat with on the plane. Jim and I will try to keep up with all your adventures. Wish they'd had blogging when we first went overseas. We had cassette tapes we sent to family back then and phone calls were $1 a minute - so not too many of them. Can't wait to hear about the singing children.
    Carol and Jim

  3. Ariel! You're so amazing. What you're about to do will be life altering, not only for you but for those kids in El Salvador. It takes a lot of guts to move away to a foreign country for a year, so I applaud you on taking a risk. I can only expect great things for & from you on this exciting trip to the unknown. You will do wonderfully! I know it! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear/see more in the year to come! Miss you lots! Love you even more!

    Stace xoxx <3
